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What Being A Sex Coach Is Really Like?

What is a Sex Coach?

An intimacy coach or sex coach helps people feel closer, safer, and connected to their partner. They help tackle the issues that are not usually discussed outside of the bedroom. A sex coach works with their clients whether as an individual or as a couple to address issues that surround physical and emotional intimacy. Not only do they teach awareness, but they also help develop one’s self-worth, sexual confidence and helps clients understand a deeper sense of communication vulnerability.

Why do you need a Sex Coach?

A more experienced coach has been able to cater to varying individuals who would like to improve their connection with their lovers. Men typically come in because they would like to understand their partners better so that they can overcome the challenges in bed such as keeping an erection or controlling orgasm. The pressure for men is more about becoming better lovers. As for women, they often get appointments to ask for help in achieving orgasms, discuss having low levels of sex desires, trauma patients, and those that struggle with the pain while having sex. Both likelihoods of single individuals or committed couples come in for a session to better understand themselves and be more comfortable with their sexuality.

What is the sex coaching session like?

The sex coach session involves getting to connect to clients. Once that is established, the coach can further understand the blockers, desires, and emotional triggers of a person. Each person is different, having different experiences and challenges. The coach relies on this aspect of understanding to help the person grow. The intimacy that clients would like to do to experience with their partners whether physical or non-physical are tackled in the session but with boundaries. The Somatica Method is an authentic technique that helps both client and coach react and constructively share feedback. Feedback is important to contribute to the person’s growth. With trust and transparency, clients can share their story with the intimacy coach and the coach assesses how those aspects could be helped.

What are the exercises that we can learn?

The types of exercises can again differ depending on the needs of the client. But ultimately, there is an exercise taught for pure relaxation. Deep breathing exercises are practiced in a way that also sparks erotic energy. Even as simple as practicing genuine eye contact, which can be daunting for many, are taught for better stimulation.

Some hands-on sessions are done in a Somatic Method where the client and therapist engage with touching erotic zones, but oftentimes with clothes staying on. This prepares the practitioner for the real event. By learning to develop deep emotional connection and communication more erotically, clients become more passionate lovers to their partners. Of course, the techniques are still taken differently depending on the participant. As each will have their challenges and struggles that they would like to address. However, by learning to bring the right energy, the right words, and the right actions in the right place – partners become more engaged sexually and emotionally in relationships.

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